Traeben is getting a lot of attention online lately. Besides the great Dutch reviews of the album ‘Push’ that we got at the beginning of the year, now there are also reviews in English, German, Danish, Finnish and even Japanese. For an overview check out our press-page. We’re releasing the album internationally by the 1st of October through Pladekisten, but there is a unique and limited presale if you go to the audio part of our website and click on ‘BUY CD’.
If you wan’t to check out what our music sounds like before you buy ‘Push’, then you could follow 10.000 other people and go to We’re ranked #1 in the Top Mp3 Downloads and in the Top25 Recommended Downloads with the track ‘Top Dog’. If you click on the track you’ll be able to download the mp3 for free. I hope you enjoy listening to it!